Use common sense when it comes to getting SEO advice

I know I’ve said this before but apparently, sometimes I have to repeat myself to be heard.

Just because someone says something, doesn’t make it true.

Even if that someone is a self-proclaimed expert in a given field.

It’s important that you don’t take things people say at face value, especially in the adult industry. You need to do your own research and use a bit of common sense.

I could tell you all day long the sky is neon pink and even explain to you in a way that sounds legit, adding in the fact that I’m a professional sky color cosmologist, but it still won’t make that fact true. The sky obviously isn’t neon pink. I mean you can just look up and see for yourself that isn’t true.

When it comes to SEO though, you’d be surprised just how many people will believe anything people tell them because the person claims to be an expert or because the information kind of sounds legit.

a few months ago XBIZ published an article about SEO. It was talking about a report recently released by Search Metrics, a very popular SEO website.

The problem with this article on the XBIZ site is it quotes someone who claims to be an expert.

The problem is with XBIZ doing this, it perpetuates the confusion and the spreading of misinformation in regards to SEO.

I want you to look at this statement …

“the new data analysis shows that backlinks have less value than they once did”

They go on by quoting some expert who goes on to back up this statement, spewing information that makes him sound like he knows what he is talking about.

But int he end it doesn’t matter what he says because all we needed to know about him what that he sported this one single statement …

“the new data analysis shows that backlinks have less value than they once did”

This information couldn’t be further from the truth. Backlinks are as important today as they were last year and 10 years before that.

Any person, no matter who you are tells you otherwise, RUN as fast as you can away from them because they clearly have no clue what the fuck they are talking about.

Even if they are right or kind of right in certain areas, the fact that they don’t know the #1 most important thing about SEO should be enough to lose confidence in anything else they have to say.

I mean how do you not understand the most basic information about the foundation of the company that helped to build a multi BILLION dollar empire??!?!?!?!?!?!?

But let me explain … if you and your friend had an idea and built your entire company around this idea, hell you even named this idea after yourself, and that foundation then helped to generate BILLIONS AND BILLIONS AND BILLIONS in revenue, would you be so quick to ditch said idea? I mean it was after all the very foundation that built your empire.

Now let’s go back to what I first said to you …. just because someone says something, doesn’t make it true.

Just because some jackass who claims to be an expert doesn’t make what he (or she) says true.

Larry Page is the man who co-founded Google with his buddy Sergey Brin.  When they were in college they worked out this system of relevancy. Prior to Google if you searched for something you often times got a bunch of spammy ass results.

This is where Larry Page and Sergey Brin came in and said, hey wouldn’t it be cool if you actually used a search engine to find something that you actually searched for?

Sounds simple right? Well back then it really wasn’t. Back in the day, search engines were a hot mess.

Until Google came along if you searched for something like Blue Shoes you could get thousands of listings about anything. Maybe a few were about Blue Shoes, but most of them were just spam.

This is why what Google did was such a big deal.

They (the two Google founders) named part of their invention (their secret plan to make relevant search results appear) after Larry Page and called it Page Rank. Get it? “Page” rank. 😛

Basically here is how it works.

It’s a buddy system. Just because you say your website is about blue shoes, doesn’t mean it really is. The more other websites link to you suggesting your site is in fact about Blue Shoes, the more Google starts to trust that in fact your site really might be about Blue Shoes.

But then the system gets even more complex. It says if a website Google already really trust links to you, then Google will trust you even more so than if just some regular website links to you.

In other words, it’s a popularity contest. The more “friends” you have the more popular you are, but the more popular friends you are, your popularity will skyrocket.

The problem is, one day SEO people started abusing the system. Since they knew how it worked and had a public method to track the results they started buying links.

So by buying those friends (or links) it unfairly inflated their popularity, until finally, Google said ENOUGH!

They took away the one tool SEO experts used to track popularity and then people went crazy and coming up with their own theories. They did this because they thought if we didn’t know who was the most popular it might stop people from trying to buy friends.

But in the end, just because they all had theories about what will and won’t work, it didn’t make them true.

Sometimes we have to use common sense.

Sometimes we have to remember not to panic and start listening to anything any random person on the internet is saying. Even if that random person on the internet calls himself an expert. Anyone can put anything they want in their profile on Twitter, it doesn’t make it true.

I can call myself a green eyed purple people eater. But you know what? It wouldn’t make it true.

Do backlinks still matter? YES, of course, they do.

I can’t say that loudly enough. Google isn’t going to suddenly change the way they are doing business. All they did was put in some effort to not make it so easy for SEO guys to game the system.

Google wants to be the best search engine out there and to do that, they have to provide users with the most relevant results.

And they do that, as we already know based on their system of trust. It’s what they’ve always used and they’ve said time and again, what they still use.

The only thing that really changed is, now Google doesn’t tell us what level of trust a given site has. Only Google knows that.

The point I am trying to make with this article is, don’t be so trusting of random people on the internet. Don’t just blindly trust people because they tell you they are an expert.

Just because someone says something, doesn’t make it true.


Use common sense when it comes to getting SEO advice