
Let’s talk about domain names … again

With the release of so many new domain name extensions it’s time to revisit the issue of a domain name’s value.

In the past I’ve always said dot com in king. But what about now that there are all those crazy new domain name extensions like the ones listed below…

.academy .accountant .accountants .actor
.adult .agency .airforce .alsace
.amsterdam .apartments .archi .army
.associates .attorney .auction .audio
.auto .band .bar .bargains
.bayern .beer .berlin .best
.bet .bid .bike .bingo
.bio .black .blackfriday .blue
.boutique .brussels .build .builders
.business .buzz .bzh .cab
.cafe .camera .camp .capetown
.capital .car .cards .care
.career .careers .cars .casa
.cash .casino .catering .center
.ceo .chat .cheap .christmas
.church .city .claims .cleaning
.click .clinic .clothing .cloud
.club .coach .codes .coffee
.college .cologne .community .company
.computer .condos .construction .consulting
.contractors .cooking .cool .country
.coupons .courses .credit .cricket
.cruises .cymru .dance .date
.dating .deals .degree .delivery
.democrat .dental .dentist .desi
.design .diamonds .diet .digital
.direct .directory .discount .dog
.domains .download .durban .earth
.education .email .energy .engineer
.engineering .enterprises .equipment .estate
.eus .events .exchange .expert
.exposed .express .fail .faith
.family .fans .farm .fashion
.film .finance .financial .fish
.fishing .fit .fitness .flights
.florist .flowers .football .forsale
.foundation .frl .fund .furniture
.futbol .fyi .gal .gallery
.garden .gent .gift .gifts
.gives .glass .global .gold
.golf .graphics .gratis .green
.gripe .group .guide .guitars
.guru .hamburg .haus .healthcare
.help .hiphop .hiv .hockey
.holdings .holiday .horse .host
.hosting .house .how .immo
.immobilien .industries .ink .institute
.insure .international .investments .jetzt
.jewelry .joburg .juegos .kaufen
.kim .kitchen .kiwi .koeln
.kyoto .land .lat .law
.lawyer .lease .legal .lgbt
.life .lighting .limited .limo
.link .live .loan .loans
.lol .london .love .ltd
.ltda .maison .management .market
.marketing .mba .media .melbourne
.memorial .men .menu .miami
.moda .moe .mom .money
.mortgage .moscow .nagoya .navy
.network .news .ngo .ninja
.nrw .nyc .nz .okinawa
.one .onl .online .organic
.osaka .paris .partners .parts
.party .photo .photography .photos
.physio .pics .pictures .pink
.pizza .place .plumbing .plus
.poker .porn .press .productions
.promo .properties .property .pub
.qpon .quebec .racing .recipes
.red .rehab .reise .reisen
.rent .rentals .repair .report
.republican .rest .restaurant .review
.reviews .rich .rip .rocks
.rodeo .ruhr .run .ryukyu
.saarland .sale .salon .sarl
.school .schule .science .scot
.security .services .sexy .shiksha
.shoes .show .singles .site
.ski .soccer .social .software
.solar .solutions .soy .space
.store .stream .studio .study
.style .supplies .supply .support
.surf .surgery .sydney .systems
.taipei .tattoo .tax .taxi
.team .tech .technology .tennis
.theater .theatre .tienda .tips
.tires .tirol .today .tokyo
.tools .top .tours .town
.toys .trade .trading .training
.university .uno .vacations .vegas
.ventures .versicherung .vet .viajes
.video .villas .vin .vip
.vision .vlaanderen .vodka .vote
.voting .voto .voyage .wales
.wang .watch .webcam .website
.wed .wedding .whoswho .wien
.wiki .win .wine .work
.works .world .wtf .xyz
.yoga .zone

So instead of how about a .love? Or a Has the value of a dot com fluctuated now that you can pick from so many alternatives?

That’s a complicated question to answer. First and foremost you should know that for the immediate future dot com is still kind.  However that is quickly changing. It will be just one generation and everything will change. The days of the dot com standard will be a thing of the past in that time.

In no time .work and .wtf will be as common to kids growing up right now, than a dot com is for us.

Kids growing up today will consider a .world or a .yoga just as valuable or as common as we do a .com today.

But what about today? What do you do when you are going to register a new domain?

#1 Always go with something that is relevant.

Look at say, Sexy Blondes have nothing to do with pizza so that obviously is a terrible choice. Instead going with something more relevant like .com, .online, or maybe .info or even .pics.

While .adult, .xxx and .porn are obvious alternatives to an adult site, you must remember these domain extensions are very expensive. Instead of paying $8 to $11 a year, they charge like $80 to $110 a year. Why in the world would you pay $100 a year for a single domain name? That’s CRAZY.

I’m not sure how much .sexy domain names are, but that might be a good one to consider.

#2 Think of your extension as part of the total keyword makeup of your domain. Let’s go back to our example of How many times a day do people Google “Sexy Blondes Pizza”? I’ll give you a hint – none.

Online, info and com are treated as stop words so is treated as “sexy blondes”.

Stop words are words which are partially or completely ignored by search engines.  These are words like about, online, www, com, the, for, and, this, that, will, with.

#3 Think before just grabbing the first name that comes up or one that might be on sale. Let’s look at the .xyz extension. is a great domain name but can you really think of any other good ones that go with the .xyz domain extension? Probably not and that’s why it’s so cheap. If it doesn’t make sense, don’t buy it, even if it is on sale. People aren’t likely to take you serious if you have a really stupid domain name.

That’s all I can tell you right now about the new domain name extensions. Don’t be afraid to use them because as time goes on they will become more and more common.

I would rather see you with a good .whatever than an iffy .com, just because it was a dot com.


Let’s talk about domain names … again