
Is your home router safe? It may not be!

WordFence the popular WordPress security plugin sent out a massive email blast today letting people know that their home router may be vulnerable.

Although the vulnerability was first disclosed in 2014, it wasn’t taken seriously by many and as a result, hackers are now using it to hack home routers.

As many as 41 million home routers worldwide have the vulnerability. Basically, you should not have port 7547 open to the public. If your router has it open, you should contact your internet service provider and ask them to close it at once.

To find out if you are vulnerable click here to run the test.

Contact your ISP and let them know that port 7547 on your home router is accessible from the public internet.

Let them know that port 7547 is used by your ISP to manage the router. It should not be publicly available. Suggest that they filter access to that port to prevent anyone on the public internet accessing it.

To now allow hackers to get access to your home computer or take over your WiFi.  Get your internet service provider to close off public access to port 7547 on your router today.

On a side note, if you call your ISP and they tell you “you don’t have any ports open” insist that you do (if you took the test and failed it).

Also try here and enter 7547 in the port area and then click check.

If they say otherwise, ask them to escalate your ticket. That’s what I did. It took awhile but finally was able to get to someone that knew what he was doing and help me.

It’s annoying I know, but that’s how some internet companies are.

Is your home router safe? It may not be!