Social Networking

Is Instagram now more popular than Twitter? Not so fast!

When it comes to popularity with porn stars, Twitter is all the rage. But lately people are saying it’s all about Instagram. I thought about that, and I’m like hmmm … that makes sense, men love photos, instagram is all pics. But then again Instagram forbids nudes and twitter allows is. So that got me thinking … which social networking platform really is bigger?

Turns out the answer is Twitter, by far. In fact, Twitter is 3 times more popular than Instagram.

According to Ebiz MBA, a company who tracks the popularity of social networking sites, Facebook remains supreme with an estimated 1.1 billion unique visitors a month.

Twitter had 310 million and Instagram is only at 100 million.

So while it is true Instagram has skyrocketed in popularity this year, it still has a long way to go. Sites like Pinterest and Tumblr are still more popular than Instagram.

Here is the run down on other social networking sites.

  • Facebook – 1.1 billion unique monthly visitors
  • YouTube – 1 billion unique monthly visitors
  • Twitter – 310 million
  • Linkedin – 255 million
  • Pinterest – 250 million
  • Google Plus+ – 120 million
  • Tumblr – 110 million
  • Instagram – 100 million
  • Reddit – 85 million
  • VK – 80 million

By the way, you can follow me on twitter @MissKelliXXX.


Is Instagram now more popular than Twitter? Not so fast!