domain name appraisal certificate scam

Domain Sellers Beware

It’s a new year and that means it’s time for a world of new scams to pop up. Today’s scam isn’t exactly new but it seems to be more prevalent. Like most scams, it plays off of people’s greed.

How it works is like this … you have a domain name that you want to sale. You list it on one of the various domain listing sites or post about it on one of the Facebook domain sales groups.

Next think you know you are contacted by someone who claims to represent a buyer and they want to buy your domain for some insanely highly value – way way more than your domain is worth.


I represent an investor from Canada who needs your domain (——— for his project.

The investor would be prepared to pay a sum in $15,000 – $20,000 range.

If you expect another figure, please specify it in the subject of your reply.

If you have more names I can help you to sell them.

Best Regards,
Eric Danielsen
Vice President
123 REG

The domain I was selling I knew wasn’t worth more than $500. So that they offered me $15k to $20k immediately put up a red flag for me.

It turns out the only way this buyer will pay you the money is if you can provide him with a domain name appraisal certificate.

But here is the catch …. this buyer will only accept one from agencies he knows and trusts.

As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, this is a scam to get you to pay $59 to $129 for a domain name valuation service.

Simply put, they are trying to scam you into buying their domain name appraisal certificate for your domain name. There was never a buyer interested in paying way more than your domain is worth.

So don’t fall for this scam.



Domain Sellers Beware