a real look at how seo works

An real look at how SEO works

For years mainstream sites have worked together when it comes to ranking their websites.  But in the adult industry we seem to all go out of our way not to.  Even though if we were to work together it would help us each make more money.  Then one day I realized that we were all so busy on sites like GFY feeding each other misinformation that maybe we didn’t really know ourselves how it all worked.  Maybe we didn’t realize there are things we can do to help each other and in the end, ourselves when it comes to SEO.  Just because another website is out there, doesn’t automatically make them your enemy.

So what I’ve decided to do today is break it down for you, step by step in very simplistic terms.  All I ask in return, is if you find any of this information at all helpful to you, you pass it on by tweeting about it or posting it on your facebook page.  That’s a fair trade, right?

This little blue box is your website. It has no page rank, no backlinks, no social authority, no age – since it’s a new domain name, and no indexed pages, since you just started your website.  In essence your in an SEO dead zone.  But that’s okay because your site is new and we are going to work together to change that.


There is nothing you can do to change the age of your domain name.  Only time itself can do that.  But there are things you can do to effect the other factors that search engines like Google look at when it comes to ranking your website.

First let’s start with the site itself.  For this example purpose we are going to pretend like your website is a free site dedicated to blondes with big tits.  Your website, as with all must start off with the main page.  This is the main menu if you will.  It is the first page that loads when someone goes to YOURDOMAINNAME.com.  Since the theme of your website is blondes with big tits, one will assume you worked hard and found a decent domain name that fit within the theme.  ie: BlondesWithBigTits.com or BigTitBlondes.com or something along those lines.

The front page of your website needs a few things.  It needs to clearly define what your keywords are.  This means that on that page you need to have a unique title for that page, the meta description of your website should also repeat that phrase.  So the title of your website should be Blondes with Big Tits.

But also keep in mind when it comes to your title, search engines recommend a minimum of 40 characters.   So if your title is below that you can use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy.  Keep in mind also that your title needs to be unique on every single page.  If you have 283 pages in your website, you need to have 283 unique titles.  Page 1:  Your Site Name – Some other keyword.  Page 2 could be like Your Site Name – Name of whatever page 2 is – some special page 2 keyword.

In the description you need to put your keywords (Blondes with Big Tits) one time.  Your meta description needs to be between 150 – 160 characters in length.  If your meta description is to long or to short it could cost you some valuable SEO points.  Meta descriptions can be any length but search engines generally truncate snippets longer than 160 characters.  It’s also important to note that you do not want to use quotes or any special characters in your meta descriptions.  If you do then Google will cut off the description.

Let’s look to see exactly how search engines like Google and Bing use titles and meta descriptions.

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Title of the Page:  Hot Sex Positions – Crazy Hot Sex Moves – Cosmopolitan

Meta Description:  Sex & Love With these scorching bedroom tricks and sex positions, you may have to put the .

URL:  www.cosmopolitan.com/crazy-hot-sex-positions




When you are writing up your meta description and titles you have to remember it will be seen by real people and if they aren’t done right, people won’t want to click on them so ranking high will be pointless because even if you are #1 or #2, nobody is actually clicking through.  So yes, what you say in your title and meta description really does matter.  Consider it your best and most valuable text ad.

Now on the page itself somewhere you need to include with H1 tags your keyword – Blondes with Big Tits.  You need to include Blondes with Big Tits somewhere at least two times in the body of the text on that page.  You also need to make sure your images alt tag has your keyword phrase.  How many times you actually include it in the text of the page will depend greatly on how much text overall you have on the page.  This is what they call keyword density.  Which basically mean you count up every single word used on the page, then you calculate what percentage you use your desired keyword.   You don’t really have to do this by hand – wordpress plugins like like SEO Yoast will do that for you and help guide you what a good percentage is – typically 5% of so.  In general thought you want to keep it at a minimum of two times.

Think about it this way … if your website is dedicated to blue shoes, how would Google know that?  It knows that of course by counting the number of times your page talks about blue shoes.  The more you talk about it, the more obvious it is to Google that is what your site is about.  Of course there is a point when you go to far and talk about it to many times and then Google starts to punish you for it.  They figure if you talk about it to much then you are purposely trying to what they call “over optimize” your site and then they punish you for it.  So there is where you have to figure out the fine line of what is enough and what is far to much.  There is no real way for any of us to know for sure and keyword density doesn’t play the role that it used to in SEO but if anyone tells you that it doesn’t matter really is a dumb ass or purposely telling you miss information to screw with you.  Of course it matters.  How will Google (or any search engine for that matter) really know what your site is about if you don’t make a conscience effort to talk about it?  Duh!

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Define your keywords.  ie: Blondes with Big Tits
Put your keywords in the title
Put your keywords in the meta description
Put your keywords in at least two different parts within the body of your text on the page.
Put your keywords within h1 tags on your page.
Make appropriate use of sub-headings (or h2) tags.
Put your keywords in at least one alt tags on the images on your page.


Now that you have done all of that we need to talk about the text on the page.  Pictures may be pretty but search engines prefer text and lots of it.  The body of your page should never have less than 300 words and ideally you would want as many as 500.  And even more importantly, what you put needs to be unique.  That means you just can’t go copy and paste what someone else has written.  You need to write it yourself and it needs to be real sentences that are easy to read.  Believe it or not, search engines have the technology to sense real from fake content.   They do this based on what is called the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is designed to indicate comprehension difficulty when reading a passage of contemporary academic English.  If your text is considered fairly difficult to read it can give you a lower score and that can hurt your SEO.  Search Engines like text that is unique, plentiful and easy to read.

So at this point your website includes one page.  You have a domain name that reflects the theme of your website, you have a unique title that is the appropriate length and has the keywords for your site in it. You wrote a killer meta description that makes anyone who reads it want to visit your website.  You’ve gotten at least 300 to 500 words of text in the body of your main page and have found at least two or three great places to put your keywords in.  Your page has a couple images and you made sure on the alt tags to properly include your keywords.

Now assuming you did all of those things, it is time to move on to the other pages on your website.  You made sure that every page you create is at least 300 words long – 500 to 700 minimum is better but do the best you can.  You have a unique title for every page and did your best to write a fabulously compelling meta description that is also unique for each and every page on your website.

Every page in your website should always includes a text link back to your home page.


Now that you have your website in the best possible shape it can be in, it is time to move forward with your plans for SEO domination and that means reaching out to others.

I would hope by now you’ve setup a twitter account for your website.  You can use a site like Tweepi to find people to follow.  In theory you can build up a following a few ways (without buying followers – who won’t help you at all in terms of seo).  Typically if you follow someone they will follow you back.  So you can use Tweepi to find people tweeting about things your site is about or people you’ve posted pictures of in your site and follow them.  Hopefully they will follow you back.  Another thing you can do is tweet often and use hashtags.  #sex #porn #naked #nsfw #tits #lesbians #sluts.  All fun and relevant.  So when people are on twitter looking for porn they do a twitter search and if you used the hashtag #porn chances are your tweet will appear and you have a chance of getting new followers that way.

Getting followers is only half the battle.  Once you get them you need to encourage them to retweet what you tweet.  So what you can do is post a picture of a hot girl and then say something like RT if you want more pics like this or RT if you love big tits … or whatever – you get the idea, right?  Retweets matter and right now seem to count heavily.  That may change in the future (as with all things in the SEO world) but for now they do matter.

Now that is only step one.  Back on your website hopefully you installed the social shares buttons on your pages so that if people visit your site that can with one simple click share your page with others.  These social shares are a very important step in your SEO plan.  Make sure you consider social sharing carefully in your design.  Social sharing is very important.  Social networking has recently become a big way of how search engines see your website.  The more people like your site or tweets about it, the more it will matter to your rankings.

Also on the note of tweeting, I want to say that people don’t want to follow someone who does nothing but tweet ads or links to their website.  It really does matter what you say to your followers.  Tweet about random things … fun facts and interesting things.  They don’t have to always be about sex.  Just be a normal person and chat about normal things like TV shows you watched or books you are reading.  Is some movie star really hot?  Talk about her. The more you talk normally the more followers you are going to gain – the more REAL followers who want to read what you are saying and soon enough want to visit your website.  They will do so because they will trust you more because to them you suddenly seem to them like a real person, not a dirty spammer.

This information isn’t everything but it’s a good start at helping you understand how the vast world of SEO works.


An real look at how SEO works